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UK Destinations I Want to Visit

Friday, 25 September 2020

UK Destinations I Want to Visit

Coronavirus is looking like it is here to stay for the foreseeable future and due to this all travel abroad is either being cancelled or advised against. I am aware some people are currently travelling abroad and booking new trips for this year but with the circumstances being what they are I have realised I am not comfortable with the idea of travelling abroad currently.

With this in mind and being an avid traveller who likes to have at least one trip to look forward to a year I have decided to put together a UK Bucket List or as people are calling it 'staycation' destinations that I want to visit in the UK. Below are the destinations or sights that I have never been to that I would love to visit: 

A Weekend in Edinburgh

Saturday, 4 November 2017

Back at the beginning of October I had a quick trip up to Edinburgh for a couple of days to visit a good friend. This would be the furthest inland I had been to Scotland and I planned to make the most of the trip.

The plan was to catch up and have cocktails. It was the Edinburgh Cocktail Festival the weekend I was up, meaning that if you had a wristband you could get a different discount cocktail at each bar.

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